Saturday, June 3, 2017

Nothing But the Truth

Nothing But the Truth
By Avi

Genre: Realistic Fiction
Interest Level: Grades 5-8
Reading Level: P
Where to find this book: Boston Public Library

Phil Malloy is nearly failing his 9th grade English class. The explanation for the grade is of course that his English teacher, Miss Narwin, doesn't like him. Or so Phil says. It has nothing to do with the fact that he goofs off in class or that instead of writing an essay on his last test, he wrote a joke making fun of the book The Call of the Wild. The poor grade is a big problem because the coach of the track team will not allow Phil to run with the team unless he improves his English grade.

Phil's solution is to lay a trap for Ms. Narwin. If he can get her into trouble with the principal, then maybe the principal will switch him to a different English class. When Miss Narwin corrects him one morning for loudly humming or singing while the national anthem is being played over the school's sound system, Phil seizes the opportunity. Never mind that making any sounds during the national anthem is against the school rules and is considered disrespectful. Phil tells his parents that Miss Narwin will not let him sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at school. Phil's parents tell a local politician running for school board, who tells a newspaper reporter, who tells the superintendent of schools. Soon everyone in Harrison, New Hampshire and even in the whole state is wondering why a boy is not allowed to sing the national anthem in school.

Why shouldn't kids be allowed to sing the national anthem in school? Of course, most people don't know the real story. But the consequences that come from Phil's plan are out of control. Phil may not only get his wish of being transferred out of Miss Narwin's class; he also puts Miss Narwin in danger of losing her job. Will Phil lose control of this whole situation? Will he be allowed to join the track team? Will Miss Narwin be fired? Read Nothing But the Truth to find out the answers to these questions!

If you like realistic stories about problems in high school, then you'll want to read Nothing But the Truth. 

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